Terms of service

Abuse policy

Volatile responds promptly to legal inquiries. For any legitimate inquiry made within the scope of probable cause, we reserve the right to release information regarding a specific user or user-submitted content, and we reserve the right to remove illegal content, where it is necessary to fulfil law enforcement's duties.

Volatile services are governed in part by all policies set forth by hosting providers. If we receive reports for content or activity that violates a hosting provider's own terms, we reserve the right to remove infringing content or to take action necessary to cease such activity.

Volatile services shall not be used to transmit UCE and any other unsolicited commercial content, as well as unsolicited SPAM. We reserve the right to remove such content or remove a user's ability to use Volatile services for such purpose.

We reserve the right to defend against any user's attempt to deny service to, exploit, penetration test, or otherwise disrupt normal operation of any Volatile service, using any actions we deem necessary.

Users must be eighteen years of age or older to utilise Volatile services. If a user is found to be under the age of eighteen, we reserve the right to remove said user's access to the services. In compliance with COPPA, we may take additional action to remove said user's personal information as defined by COPPA.

Abuse contact

If your inquiry pertains to illegal content or activity, please notify the appropriate legal authorities. They may then contact us at abuse@volatile.bz if they require further action on our part.

If your inquiry pertains to infringing use of copyrighted, trademarked, or patented content; please direct the rights holder to contact us at abuse@volatile.bz. We cannot identify rights infringement unless the rights holder explicitly withholds consent for us to use their restricted content.

Please forward abuse reports to abuse@volatile.bz. You give us consent to follow up with requests for additional information pertaining to the report; we will also notify you of the actions we took in relation to the report, if any.

Handling of abuse reports

Volatile reserves the right to publicly disclose information surrounding reports, including but not limited to the original report and the actions we took to resolve the report.

The people who assist in maintaining Volatile services are not obliged to monitor for or identify illegal activity or content. We rely solely on legal authorities to take whatever action necessary for us to maintain compliance with the law.

Regarding rights infringement, we reserve the right to counter takedown requests for what we believe to be fair use of content. Copyrights, patent rights, and trademark rights are not tools for censorship.


Volatile provides no warranties, express or implied, for any of its services, software, or other content. Everything is provided as-is; you understand that you may not hold Volatile at fault for any of the services or content provided.

Volatile may provide third-party content on behalf of its users; this does not imply endorsement or responsibility for said content or users. Volatile will comply with law enforcement requests for user information if legally pressured to do so.

Use of Volatile services is a privilege, not a right. Your access to any or all services may be terminated at any time, for any or no reason. Donations are non-refundable and are not seen as payment for service.

Privacy policy

Volatile makes a best effort to provide services that are private and secure by design; however, you must ultimately take matters into your own hands.

You must assume that any data you transmit via Volatile is public. This could be by design, or it could be the result of a nosy administrator, a security breach, a software bug or vulnerability, or an untrustworthy user.

You must assume that any data you transmit via Volatile is permanent. We make data-retention policies up to our own discretion. We make a best effort to allow users to be in control of their content, for example by allowing content to be deleted. However, we are not in control of any data that ends up being mirrored to third parties, either by design or by another user.

If you're worried by these privacy statements, please understand that these are truths for any service you use online. A written policy cannot protect you or your private information from reality. Maintain a healthy scepticism, use client-side encryption where appropriate, avoid sending incriminating data in the first place. You shouldn't trust us; that's the entire reason we are working toward trustless systems and software. You shouldn't have to trust us in order for your data to be safe.

If you are still concerned, consider another service or even hosting your own service. Contact us if you need assistance finding another host or setting up one for yourself.